Bo Sanchez – The Feast – Feb 24, 2013

We thank Bo Sanchez, not just for teaching us about the stock market in the Truly Rich Club, but also for helping us improve our spiritual health...

Although not everyone is able to go to the PICC on Sundays, thanks to the power of YouTube and internet we now have a video of the February 24, 2013 Feast:

Remember the lesson of The Hunter versus The Rancher, and the 7 Jars:

  • Emancipation Fund (20% of your salary) - Place this in real estate, a business, or in the stock market
  • Emergency Fund (3 to 6 months' salary) - Place in the bank. For leaking roofs, emergency car repairs.
  • Everyday Fund (55% of your salary)
  • Empower Fund (5% to 10% of your salary) - Specific fund for a special SPECIFIC project.
  • Enjoyment Fund (5%) - For movies, restos, fun stuff!
  • Education Fund (5%) - Invest in yourself, learn new things. "Grow Yourself, Grow Your Wealth"
  • Eternity Fund (10%) - Tithe

Don't consume everything that you earn from your salary or your business.

Set aside a certain amount, and make it multiply. Use money to grow money.

Invest a portion of your earnings in the stock market. Do the long-term stock investing strategy.

If an office employee earning P12,500 can invest P2,500 a month in the stock market, then so can you.